This endpoint returns an unsigned transaction to approve an unlimited amount of tokens for trading on SunPump. This should be signed and broadcasted locally or on the client side.
{"unsignedTx": {"raw_data": { /* transaction data */ },"txID":"b69f27c7bfcf54a464294f1df99aaeff1b53714a12a80460709b20923a24486c"// example },"status":"unsigned","code":"200"}
Error Responses
Invalid Parameters
{"error":"Invalid parameters","message":"You must only provide tokenAddress and userAddress","code":"400"}
Insufficient Funds
{"error":"Insufficient funds","message":"Your account does not have enough funds to perform this transaction.","code":"400"}
Rate Limiting: This endpoint is rate-limited according to your plan's API key limits. Ensure that you handle these limits in your application.
Unsigned Transactions: The API returns unsigned transactions that users must sign before broadcasting.